The Pond

The Association Pond (approximately two acres) is located just south of the parking lot south of the main hall.

Our pond hosts all the local farm pond species you would expect to live and thrive in a stream fed farm pond.

Fishing is allowed – catch and release only for native species.

Harvested fish are limited to the stocked trout and as you would expect all Pennsylvania Fish Commission rules as well as seasons apply.


Rule violation(s) can result in loss of Association membership!

Our Aeration System

Our new aquatic aeration system has been completely installed and is fully functional. On the pond surface you will notice five (5) turbulent areas located approximately halfway between the center of the pond and the pond’s edge, in an almost complete circle. These bubbling areas are the result of the the aeration pods located on the pond floor below.

The five aeration pods are connected by tubing to an air compressor located on the west side of the pond approximately one third of the way down the pond bank from the clubhouse. This is a closed air system that feeds those five aeration pods directly from the air compressor.

While fishing the pond, please try to avoid all of the aeration pods and the feed lines that supply the aeration pods. The feed lines are in a direct line from the bubbling areas over the aeration pods to the compressor located on the bank. If you snag your fishing line on/at/near any one of the five (5) air pods – please cut your line rather than trying to yank it out.

Cutting a snagged line will avoid tearing the air lines and/or moving the pod bases – either of which which will results in a service call and additional cost charged to the Association.

Please be courteous to other anglers at the pond – leave plenty of room and don’t crowd anyone.

And always, think safety first!

Pond Rules

Pond will remain open during club rentals.

Fishing will be permitted by members and their immediate family. Those individuals considered immediate family are member, spouse, legal guardianship, your children and/or your grandchildren. Children must be under the legal membership age of 18 and must be accompanied by a member.

All Fish and Game Commission rules will apply while on Association grounds.

Fishing allowed only when permitted by the Board of Directors.
Minnows are NOT allowed.
No boating.
No swimming.
No shooting of waterfowl or fish. This includes waterfowl taking refuge on the pond.
No ice skating on the pond at any time.
No ice fishing on the pond.
No fires of any kind permitted on club ground.
Trapping will be permitted if prior written permission is obtained from the Board of Directors.
Turtle lines will be allowed if prior written permission is obtained from the Board of Directors.
Anyone using the pond will use the parking lot at the club. Parking along the road and walking to the pond is not allowed.
Littering will NOT be tolerated. Club members will be responsible for his or her family’s behavior.
The club creel limit is three (3) trout per day per person. All other species are closed to harvest – CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY!
After May 15, trout creel limit will be subject to state regulations.
All regulations apply to members and their family/guest. Violators will have membership revoked.
No dog training from March through June due to waterfowl hatching or nesting.
Alcohol is prohibited.

Your membership card must be displayed on your person and visible at all times while on any East Berlin Fish and Game Association property (see General Club Rules #1 and #9).

A valid, current Pennsylvania fishing license must be made available upon request w
hile fishing the Association pond.

If you have obtained permission from the Association Board of Directors for any activities not listed above, you must be able to produce that permission declaration while you are engaged in the permitted activity – NO EXCEPTIONS!

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