Current News

Current news from around the Association.

Check back frequently as this page continually updates.


Association Bylaws and General Club Rules will be strictly enforced beginning January 1, 2024. No exceptions. Check your Bylaws booklet – focus on General Club Rules #9. Bylaws booklets are available at the club – pickup only, no mailings.

2024 03 23

Trout Stocking Schedule

Trout season is rapidly approaching – that means trout stocking dates get here first.

This year, trout stocking dates set for our pond are April 3rd and May 1st. Delivery truck arrival is set for
 9 AM but in most cases the truck arrives early. The stocking effort is relatively short usually ending around
11 AM.

Please consider spending a morning with fellow Association members preparing our pond for this year’s season opener.

2024 03 22

Fund Raising

The Association is looking for club members to form a fund raising committee. Ideally the committee would, at a minimum, consist of at least five (5) members. The proposed committee structure would be one (1) chairperson and four (4) members or possibly two (2) co-chairs and three (3) committee members. The more the merrier, as they say.

This is an opportunity where your participation will benefit the Association and earn you a seat at the Appreciation Dinner. If interested call or text Randal Walton at (717) 793-0352.

2024 01 16

3D Shoots Need Your Help

Beginning in April of 2024, the 3D Shoot Committee is requesting anyone who can to assist in the “Winter Cleanup” effort on the 3D trail. This is not a difficult task, the entire job merely involves cleaning the winter debris that accumulated from storms. This is no more than what you would experience in your own yard.

Any time you can afford to help with the cleanup will be appreciated, your participation goes a long way.

Prior to each shoot, the 3D course must be set up and at the completion of each shoot torn down and placed in storage. This requires manpower.

On the Saturday before each shoot, beginning at 8:00 AM, the course setup begins. In most cases the setup is complete by 11:00 AM.

3D course setup days for this year:

                                         April 27
                                         May 26
                                         June 23
                                         July 28
                                        August 25

Setup involves loading the trailer, following the trailer to the shooting station, carrying the target to the setup site and placing the target on the setup pins. Tear down is the same process in reverse.

If you enjoy the 3D course please consider coming out and helping with set up and tear down. The entire effort does not consume an inordinate amount of time and your help keeping this event running is greatly appreciated.

If you are able to provide any assistance for the spring cleanup (please bring chainsaw, trimmers, clippers, etc.) or you can assist with setup and/or tear down for the shoot events, please contact Bob Weaver (717-578-2931/[email protected]) for more details.

2023 12 16

We are back live!

Thank you to everyone for your patience while we regained our web presence.

As this site continues to develop, the Technology Committee will prioritize updates for the News and Events tabs while we continue to rebuild the information libraries that existed on the previous site.

Continue to check back often as this site will be the primary portal for disseminating information to our members and the public at large.

The Association is looking forward to a great 2024 with a few new events planned and the continuation of the regular favorites – watch the events calendar for current information!

The East Berlin Fish And Game Association is happy to be back and would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season!

As always – Safety First !!!


2023 11 21

What happened???

In September of this year, our website host ceased to exist. When our host disappeared, so did our website… and everything with it.

Following up on that event, the Technology Committee, in conjunction with the Association Board of Directors decided they would bring you a revised, more functional website. One that offered an improved browsing experience, more information and above all, more functionality.

Please bear with us as we are continually upgrading our website. As this site is being reconstructed from scratch, this will take us considerable time.

Please check back frequently as this site will continue to develop as we keep news and events current.

The East Berlin Fish and Game Association Board of Directors and the Information Technology Committee thanks you for your patience, cooperation and support.

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